Are you afraid of what may happen to your home or business during a power outage? Port Hope, ON, isn’t just home to extreme winter conditions; its power infrastructure is also undergoing rapid decay. Utility companies are struggling to keep up with demand, which is why many people are turning to backup power sources to protect their property. This guide reviews what a backup generator is and how to protect your home and business.

What Is a Backup Generator?

A backup generator is a power source that operates independently so you’re able to power a home or business during an outage or if there’s an emergency at your utility company. Traditional generators are manually operated and only provide enough power to run what’s necessary for survival until the power returns.

Generac manufactures whole-home backup generators that can sense when you’ve lost power and activate automatically so you don’t need to be present to protect your home or business. Before you install a backup generator, it’s important to make sure the generator you choose can provide enough power to run the systems in your home or business that you want covered. You can also choose a generator that can continue to cover your power needs automatically so you don’t even notice when there’s an outage.

Dependable Home Backup Generators in Port Hope, ON

Port Hope, ON, is home to a frigid climate in the winter, and its power infrastructure is beginning to fail due to old age. However, there are many potential causes of power outages you may encounter throughout the entire year. Some of the benefits of installing a home backup generator include:

  • Continued access to your appliances, garage and security system when the power is out
  • Protection from frozen pipes during the winter if a power outage causes your furnace to shut down
  • Access to your HVAC system the entire year so your home remains at a safe temperature

Whole-home backup generators are inconspicuous and located outside your home, similar to some HVAC units. You can choose your backup source of fuel and power output and a professional technician can often install it in a single visit. 

Why Generac Commercial Backup Generators Are Trusted by Port Hope Businesses

Commercial businesses stand to lose quite a bit during power outages. Customers who can’t complete their purchases may go somewhere else, and perishable stock can go bad. Additionally, security systems can’t prevent theft and employees aren’t able to perform their duties. Paying employees for sitting around can quickly become costly. Businesses stand to lose thousands of dollars for each hour their storefronts suffer from power losses.

For these reasons alone, Generac generators are a backup power source for:

  • Office spaces
  • Medical clinics and nursing homes
  • Warehouses, manufacturing facilities and construction projects
  • Local law enforcement agencies

Commercial backup generators are easy to monitor and use. They come in a variety of setups to accommodate your business’s unique power needs, and you can access your generator controls from any device that has access to the internet. This lets you see when your generator has turned on, how much fuel remains and whether there are any service or repair needs you should be aware of. 

Port Hope’s harsh winters won’t put your generator out of commission thanks to specialized cold weather kits that keep critical components warm so your generator will start up immediately when needed. 

What Are the Maintenance Requirements for a Backup Generator?

Regardless of whether your generator is for your home or your business, investing in upkeep ensures it’s able to perform when you need it. Your maintenance needs will vary based on how many power outages you encounter, how long your generator runs and your specific type of generator. A good rule of thumb is to plan for annual maintenance and schedule service if you’ve used your generator for at least 200 hours since the last routine maintenance.

One of the benefits of Generac generators is that they have diagnostic tools you can use to tell when you need maintenance or repairs. You can access these tools using the app from any mobile device that’s connected to the internet. 

Performing routine maintenance is also essential if you don’t want to void your Generac warranty. When one of our technicians performs an annual maintenance visit, they’ll change all the filters, check the fluid levels, inspect the spark plugs, upgrade the firmware and test all the generator components to make sure they don’t need specific repairs. If it does need a repair that’s covered under the warranty, the technician can take care of it free of charge.

Get Started With a Free Quote on a New Generator

At Platinum Electrical Contractors, we understand that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution for everyone’s backup power needs. Before suggesting a generator to protect your home or business, we evaluate your power usage and emergency power needs. Then we can help you find the right custom option to ensure your family and business are taken care of. Contact us today for a free quote by filling out our online form or calling us at 844-443-6776.


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