Backup Generator Service & Repair

How Long Do Backup Generators Last? | Backup Generators Lifespan

Because power generators are designed for infrequent and intermittent service, backup generators will often last over 30 years. The exact lifespan depends on how often the generator runs, the quality of the generator and whether it receives regular servicing.

As the leader in automatic standby generators, Generac builds generators of the highest quality with a superior life expectancy when recommended maintenance is carried out. If you need a backup generator in the Toronto area or throughout Ontario, Platinum Electrical Contractors can install and service your unit to make sure it performs as expected and has a long service life.

Backup Generator Lifespan and Operating Hours

Backup generators are not designed for extended continuous operation but are typically built for several thousand hours of operation during their lifespan. When you add up the hours the generator runs during a typical year, you can easily get a lifespan of over 30 years.

To start, you have to total the hours the unit spends carrying out regular test runs. Depending on how your unit is programmed, it might run for 10 minutes once a week. Over a year, that’s almost 10 hours, but you can see right away that this is not using up a big percentage of your lifetime hours.

Depending on where you’re located, backup generator operation during power failures is going to add most of your operating hours. Toronto might have relatively few power failures, but if you’re in a remote area, the power lines are more vulnerable to the weather and repairs may take longer.

If you calculate a lot of little power failures per year and a couple of major ones, you will add about 50 hours per year or 1500 hours for a 30-year lifespan. Throw in a couple of major problems such as an ice storm over the 30 years and, together with your test runs, you might come close to 2000 hours. A quality backup generator will have total lifetime operating hours much higher than that.

Lifespan and Backup Generator Quality

Although there are many variables, Generac backup generators have an average of 3000 lifespan operating hours. This means you have a good margin for obtaining over 30 years of backup generator operation. There are extra hours for unexpected events such as a deterioration of power grid performance or a once-in-a-century disaster.

Lifespan is also linked to generator reliability, since a generator close to the end of its lifespan is more likely to fail than one operating in the middle. That’s a key factor for backup generators because a continuous power supply is critical for you. But this expected lifespan depends on carrying out the recommended maintenance. If you don’t service your backup generator regularly, its lifespan will be less.

Regular Maintenance Is the Key to Generator Reliability and Longevity

Generators are designed to reach their lifetime operating hours if the recommended regular maintenance and inspections are carried out on schedule. Regular maintenance ensures required operating conditions such as clean oil and clean air are fulfilled. Inspection and preventive maintenance identify and fix potential problems before there’s major damage. With regular expert service and inspection, your generator’s lifespan may be extended to approximately its lifetime operating hours and may well exceed 30 years.

Platinum Electric Contractors is the #1 Generac generator dealer for Toronto and across Ontario. The company provides Generac backup generator installation and maintenance services throughout the province. If you’re looking for a backup generator to automatically keep your power on, give us a call to find out about the different solutions we can provide.

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