Of any province in Canada, Ontario is the hardest hit by increasingly frequent power outages due to weather events, increasing demand and aging infrastructure. But it’s a simple fact that life and business don’t stand still for power outages. If you find yourself dealing with an unexpected power cut in Innisfil, Ontario, you need a solution to protect your power. You need a Generac standby generator installed by the licensed professionals of Platinum Electrical Contractors.

Generac Backup Generators for Your Home

Generac has been a leading name in power generation for decades, and Platinum Electrical Contractors has a dedicated and experienced team devoted to installing, servicing and repairing backup generators 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They can help you protect your home’s power against any duration of power outage.

When power cuts out, food can spoil, major appliances will stop working and mobile devices run out of charge. Your family could well find themselves facing the full heat of summer or the depths of winter without environmental control systems to help them. The expense of having to ship out to a motel can mount rapidly.

A Generac standby generator provides peace of mind. These self-contained and reliable units kick in automatically when an outage happens and can power everything from crucial circuits to your entire home.

Commercial & Industrial Standby Generators

Platinum Electrical Contractors offers a wide range of power generation solutions for businesses of every size in Innisfil, Ontario. Whether you’re running a small restaurant or convenience store that can’t afford to lose refrigeration even for a short amount of time or a large manufacturing facility whose production schedule can’t afford interruptions, Generac standby generators are available that can preserve your power.

Our expert technicians can custom-craft a power generation solution for your needs. Medium- and high-voltage generators running on natural gas, diesel, propane and bio-fuels are part of our extensive range of products. Generac backup generators are available for enterprises of every size.

Contact Us Today

Don’t let power outages catch your family or your business unawares in Innisfil, Ontario. Contact us today to find the right standby generator solution for you.

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